Professional Competency Certification (PCC) applied to those Lawyers, who are rigorously assessed for and found competent to represent clients in criminal and civil litigation and other legal proceedings, draw up legal documents, and manage or advise clients on legal transactions. May specialize in a single area or may practice broadly
Diplomat Board of Family Medicine Examination
Diplomat Board of Family Medicine Exam shall comprises of an online computer-based Test CBT and an objectively structured clinical examination OSCE,
CBT of 200 MCQs, A candidate may avail a pause of 30 minutes after attempting 100 MCQs with in allotted total time of 230 minutes. Passing criteria set as 70% to qualify for Board certification.
OSCE : The Clinical Skills Assessment schedule consists of 12 station OSCE. The duration of each station will be ten minutes and each station will entail complete consultation by the candidate.
Certification Period
Validity tenure of initial certification is ten-year, renewable for next ten years which require practice as prescribed in an approved Certification Scheme. A Diplomat Family Physician will be required to complete minimum 100 Credit of CME / CPD as one hour CME is equal to one hour of face to face interaction, shall remain in Good Standing of national registration authority and follow PCCS Code of Conduct to maintain “Diplomat” status. These are general requirements for recertification in the same status.
1. Candidacy Criteria
2. Application Process
3. Pretest
4. PCCS Certification Test
Candidacy Criteria
Applicants who have completed following: An approved “Bachelor Degree” in LAW and have valid practice license. Five-year Practice Experience in respective domain after getting License.!
A candidate is required to complete online “Pretest” assessment questionnaire within Five days after completing Application process.
PCCS Certification Test
PCCS certification will be administered as computer based online test at approved test centers. Candidate will be required to respond two Modules of 100 MCQ type questions in two-hour time each. Passing score required for the “PCC” 75%. Venue, Schedule, Login and Password will be emailed to each candidate seven days prior to the test date. Candidates will be required to bring original National ID card and exam slip with them coming to venue as a permission to appear in the CERTIFICATION exam.
Certification Period
Validity tenure of initial certification is five-year, renewable for next five years which require practice as prescribed in an approved Certification Scheme. A certified Lawyer will be required to complete minimum 120 Credit of CME / CPD as one hour CME is equal to one hour of face to face interaction, shall remain in Good Standing of national registration authority and follow PCCS Code of Conduct to maintain “PCC” status. These are general requirements for recertification in the same status “PCC”.
Future Highlights
“Advanced Board of LAW” Scheme of assessment is also in process to meet more complex challenges of future in the specialized areas. Hopefully, upon completion of one Certification tenure of “PCC” a Certified Lawyer will also find a pathway to become Diplomat in Advanced Board of LAW “Specialization”.